7 Reasons To Search Online For Your Next Job

7 Reasons To Search Online For Your Next Job

A job search can be hard and sometimes frustrating. In case you are considering changing your job you should consider using an online search. This will help you expand your horizons and your search for your next job can become world wide and not restricted to any one area. Looking online for your next job…

5 Tips to Prepare for that First ‘Real’ Job Interview

5 Tips to Prepare for that First ‘Real’ Job Interview

You have graduated high school or college and now you’re ready for your first ‘real’ job. You’ve mailed out résumés and have been called in for your first interview. How can you do well at the interview so you wind up being offered the job? First impressions count, and you want to let the interviewer…

If Your Resume is the Cake, Your Cover Letter is the Icing

If Your Resume is the Cake, Your Cover Letter is the Icing

Cover letter writing is almost as important a skill for a job seeker to learn as resume writing. The cover letter accompanies the resume at all times as the primary support document. Whether you use traditional mail, email, faxing, or another type of electronic submission, this should always be sent with the resume. There are,…

Executive Job Search: 3 Jobseeking Ways to Find a Job Faster

Executive Job Search: 3 Jobseeking Ways to Find a Job Faster

Got a difficult problem in your job search? Say, a lack of networking contacts? Or trouble answering interview questions? Well, you’ve got company. Problems in a job search are as common as mosquitoes in July. But … have you ever written your problem down on a piece of paper? I’ll bet you haven’t. Because, when…