5 Ways You Can be Prepared When Facing a Job Loss
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5 Ways You Can be Prepared When Facing a Job Loss

Are rumors circulating throughout your workplace that there may be downsizing, a lay-off or merger? Are you scared and don’t know what to do? These 5 tips can help you feel more in control of your financial situation: Being aware of the situation, planning and taking action makes you feel more in control of your…

3 Points You Should Negotiate When You Are Losing Your Job
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3 Points You Should Negotiate When You Are Losing Your Job

You work for a company that has been going through a lot of changes and upheaval. Word is going around about lay-offs and you worry you will be next. If you’ve been an exemplary employee and the lay-off is not because of anything you’ve done, be sure you ask these three questions as you are…

“Take This Job and Shove It” is a Country Song NOT a Best Practice

“Take This Job and Shove It” is a Country Song NOT a Best Practice

“Find a job you like and you add five days to every week.”-H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Sometimes it’s an easy choice to leave a company. However, one of the most important choices that you can make in your career is to leave your current employer in the right way. Like any other relationship, there are…

“New Job Blues … Now What?”
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“New Job Blues … Now What?”

You’ve landed what you thought was the job of your dreams. Each stage of the interview went smoothly – you sold them on your skills and expertise, and your prospective boss sold you on the position and benefits of joining the company. He/she seemed excited about extending an offer. And then, with offer in hand,…